
Background on writing The Magic of Serendipity

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During the past few years, as the friends of our children have grown up, found meaningful jobs, moved to other parts of the world, with some starting families of their own, they have remained part of our lives. They have shared their memories of the many nights spent at our big two-story cream brick house. They talk of the shared meals and the welcoming nature of our family. They speak of how safe life felt when they were with us. Mainly they say they want to share that warmth and love they felt with us with their own family and friends. While we did not live an ideal existence, we did accept everyone that came to us at the place they were. We allowed them to be who they were and encouraged them to accept themselves as the beautiful people the Universe had created. These beautiful people have encouraged me to write and share the stories. I am assisted by my dear friend and son-in-law, Renato, who is the visual artist that will add color and interest to these narratives. They will not be primarily about me as a person, but about the collective essence that spans generations to create a whole of a life experience that will be blended to form individual personalities in a family. Our world view of family includes not only blood relations, but people and sometimes pets, that the Universe has sent to experience life with us. Over time we will journey thru Texas from the 1890’s to present day to weave the real life stories as told to me by friends and family and thru my lived experience. All begin with the magic of Serendipity taking a mundane event and suddenly changing a life to bring an unexpected experience and, sometimes, love. I hope you will enjoy the journey as much as I am enjoying the unexpected life that my dance with Serendipity has given me.


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1 Comment

  • September 26, 2021 at 12:53 pm
    Lucy Bodeman

    What a beautiful testimony, and a celebration of community, family.
    It is refreshing to read your post, Sylvia, and thank you for sharing this with the world.


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